Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Parker Gregory Johnson

He is here and he is amazing!!  God is sooo good!

Born December 1, 2010 at 7:59 am, 8lbs 4oz and 20 inches long.

I have had people telling me over and over how wonderful being a mother is, but you truely do not know until you look at hold your sweet baby for the first time!

I am so in love!  I am constantly staring at him and never wanting to put him down!

We are all doing great.  He had his first follow up appointment yesterday and got his first shot...ouch! He did not like it one bit!  He is currently weighing 7lbs 10oz (up 5oz from discharge day) and is just below the 50th percentile in height and weight!  He is such a sweet peaceful baby who loves to eat and sleep.  I am nursing and he has been doing a great job with that!  The first few days we had a few difficulties with latching, but now he has it down!!   His favorite time to play is around 4-7 am!!  He wants to be up, held and looking all around the room during this time frame!!  I would prefer he sleep but am just enjoyng our middle of the night dates!

My follow up visit was today and everything is good.  They just had to take a  look at my incsion from the c-section and said all looks great!  I have been feeling good and moving around great since the morning after he was born.

Wayne has been COMPLETELY amazing to say the least!!  I have always known how blessed  I was to have him as my husband, but seeing him as a father has made me fall in love all over again!!  He is a natural and I just love seeing him cuddle with Parker and talk in a sweet little voice to him.  It melts my heart!  I love my boys!

We were so blessed to have our parents and my sister here to share this special time with us.  I have to admit I did my fair share of crying when my sister and my parents had to leave and still cry thinking about how much  miss them!  But am just trying to keep busy and counting down the days until Christmas when my mom and dad come back to visit!!  We are so excited.  Waynes mom is still here helping us out and we are very appreciative!!  It is very nice to be able to focus 100% on Parker and have help with everything else!

I have been going picture crazy and will be doing my best to get updates up on here frequently...so follow along for pics!!



  1. He is so handsome! I can't decide who I think he looks like. But absolutely adorable. Glad you're doing well too, Mama!!

  2. So happy for y'all! He is precious!
