Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our little guy!

By little I mean short!

Parker had his 4 month appointment today and he did great.  He talked to me during the entire 45 minutes we had to wait to see the doctor...which helped to make me less annoyed!!  Thank goodness he was not screaming the entire time like the slightly annoying  precious 2 year old little girl next to us!!

While he got his shots I tried to keep him preoccupied with his links but as soon as that needle went in, his tiny lower lip shot out and he let out the saddest little cry.  But that is what it was....one single cry.  He did great which was such a relief to me, since the hubby was unable to make this appointment.

He weighed in at 14lbs 9oz (50th percentile)
Measured 24 inches (25th percentile)  Poor thing...but I guess this is what happens when your mom is 5'3(even though my drivers license says 5'5...shhh) 

But overall he is doing great and moving right along with development and that is all we really care about!  The minor heart murmur he has sounds much better and his little herniated belly button is also looking great! 

Now I am off to play with my little drooling machine!!


  1. Awesome! Logan was all 25% when he was born and now he is in the 75%! But when you look at the men on his dad's side, I am not surprised. Can't wait to meet the little guy!

  2. I lied on my driver's license, too. ha! Can't wait to hold Mr. Parker. Safe travels!

  3. Parker,s such a brave little guy. Sounds like a great check up. He is ready for his first plan trip to Houston. Have a safe trip!!
    XOXO MiMi

  4. he is just so darn cute!!! love it!!
