Tuesday, November 23, 2010

December 1st is the day!!

I had an appointment yesterday with my specialist and based on Parker's head and stomach measurements they are estimating him to weigh around 8lbs 6ozs (around a week and a half ahead).  Based on the measurement of the stomach they are able to get an idea of what his shoulder span will be and my doc mentioned this may make delivery a little difficult.

So today I had my weekly appointment with my OB and we talked about everything and decided that a c-section is probably the best choice for us at this point.  If their weight estimates are accurate this little guy could be close to 9lbs(or even more...eek).  Due to this even if we went ahead with attempting a natural delivery, there would be a pretty good chance I would end up having a c-section anyway.

Another issue is that I am still at 1cm and Parker is still sitting up pretty high.  So I think if he could have things his way, he would be late and 12 lbs!!  Lucky for me he is not going to get his way....at least not this time!!!

So we go into the hospital at 7:30 am on the 1st and they will call me later this week to let me know exactly what time the c-section will take place.  I obviously have all of the nerves that any mom to be has, but I feel confident that we have made the right decision for us and after speaking with multiple friends today who have had a c-section I feel even more reassured.  Whatever is best for me and will put less stress on my little BIG guy is what we need to do!!

Fun Facts:(yes...I am cheesy)
Parker will be born on the FIRST day of December and my birthday is the LAST day of December...Pretty neat!!  He is also going to be born 30 days before my 30th birthday!! 

I will keep you posted with any other updates!! 



  1. I'm so excited for you and can't wait for you to hold Parker. Post pics ASAP. Seriously, you can't make me wait... Luvs!

  2. We are counting down the days till our little Grandbaby is here!! No matter how he enters into this world, it is the first of many decisions you will make has a mom. And I know you are going to be a WONDERFUL MOMMY!!!
    We love you!!!
