Saturday, November 13, 2010


So I had two doctors appointments this week. Monday with my specialist as a follow up to my hospital visit. Everything went well just a couple small issues. 1) Parker is measuing large, around 37 to 38 weeks rather than 36. 2) my amniotic fluid levels are on the high side

Both of these things seperate are what they are. But when you put them together it is a sign of gestational diabetes. I had just had my testing for this around 1o weeks ago and all of my lab work came back normal. The words GD scares I was obviously concerned. So I was sent back to have more blood work done. Results came in yesterday and blood work is normal and no signs of GD...thank goodness! So at this point they will continue to monitor my fluid levels each week to make sure they do not increase and I will begin to mentally prepapre myself to have a BIG baby!! Wayne was almost 10 lbs so I knew this was a possibility but I think I was in denial!

My doc did reassure me that fetal measurements this far along in pregnancy do have a tendency to be fingers crossed!!

Wednesday I had my regular weekly visit with my doc and it looks like we are still on for our induction date of December 2nd! We are hoping this day stays set in stone as both of our families have their tickets booked!! But we know that due to his size and if there are any issues with my fluid levels this date may change or Mr. Parker may decide he wants to come earlier on his own.

Here are some recenet photos of our little man!! Cheesing it up for the camera. Everyone who has seen these pics says all they see is the Hydes genes!! I guess we will know for sure in a few weeks!


  1. This is Aunt Susan: Missy, he looks just like you when you were a baby!

  2. Thanks Ladies!!
    Aunt Susan I know...I looked at some of my newborn photos and it was kinda scary!! I see my dad too!
