Sunday, January 23, 2011

Please Pass...Literally!!

As precious as it is, this is the face I saw most of this weekend.  A precious crying baby boy!  Mommy shed many tears as well!!

Parker has had a very bad bout of gas since Thursday evening.  His tummy will get as hard a rock, he pulls his little knees to his tummy and he screams. {and screams and screams}  I heard an entirely new cry this weekend and I would be willing to do anything to never hear it again.  My little guy is rarely fussy so it was hard to see him like this.

My heart broke everytime he was in pain and most night we just sat in bed, me rubbing his tummy and working his legs and we cried!  I think I got just about 6 hours of sleep ALL weekend.

So tonight I took a mommy night which consisted of Target and Starbucks!!  To make it even better, Jesse James by Cher came on just as I pulled out of the drive way and we all know this is my favorite song EVER to sing.  Its like the satellite radio knew just what I needed...a little solo karaoke!!

I am going to take him in to his doctor in the morning to see what if any advice they can give me.  Typically one would eliminate things from their diet or switch formula to find the culprit.  Since I am doing 50/50 breast milk and formula, it is double the work to narrow it down.  My body is slowy making more milk {pray that continues} but still not enough to satisfy him.  I pumped all day yesterday but did not nurse or feed him my milk to see if maybe it was me, but he was still gassy.  So I switched his formula.  I am hoping he does not have any form of milk allergy.

Today he seems a little better.  Slightly fussy, but leaps and bounds better than yesterday!

Tuesday morning he has his appointment with the Cardiologist for the echo.  If you would please send him some prayers that all is fine.



  1. Oh, Missy, I 'm sorry I hate to hear this. I'm glad today was better. Preston and I will be sure to say a prayer for you guys tonight before bed. I love that picture by the way. We love you, Parker.

  2. Poor Baby... and Mama! I know its hard to watch your little man in pain! I hope last night was better. We noticed a big difference when we put him on the gentlease formula.
    Hes such a cutie! :)

  3. Poor little guy, Even though he was in pain I still do love that picture of him! So glad he had a health POOP and is feeling better today.
    We miss ya'll and are prayers are with you always!
    Love, Jan & Mike
