Forget the books. I have figured out that being a Mom is definately 99% gut and instinct and 1% books!!
I decided to come up with a little list of some of the things I have learned over the past 2 months!!
- The number of diapers I would be changing in a week is nowhere near what I thought it would be. In reality I needed to take that number and more than double it!! We will now being order diapers online for the month...the diaper runs every few days are OVER!!
-The penis is meant to be pointed downward!! Pointed upward can lead to wet outfits, wet mommys and an entire wet mess!!
-My husband has a completely new side I had never seen. His Daddy side! I knew he was an amazing friend and husband, but his daddy side is the most attractive!!
-My breast are the answer to almost any cry!! Tired, hungry, name it! A little boob and the cries stop!
-On that subject I have learned that breastfeeding is not the easiest of task. I have had some major heartbreak in this area due to me having a low supply. We have done and tried everything and nothing seems to change. He still gets breastmilk at each feeding, but is then given formula. I let it make me feel like a failure, I know now I am not.
-I always knew my mom was amazing but now I can finally see everything thru her eyes(somewhat). So many things she has done, told me to do, told me not to do, etc. all make complete sense now. She was right about everything and still is!
-That I LIED when I said that I would not be the mom who always talked about her baby! Sorry! He is my world and consumes my everyday and I would not have it any other way. Not only do I talk about him I blog about him too!! Deal with it!
-Going on the internet to research anything is a bad idea and your pediatrician will get onto you if they find out you have done so
-VASELINE is the cure all!! We only had one small bout with diaper rash in the beginning. We had the butt paste, Aveeno cream, etc. Nothing worked. Doc told us just Vaseline...he was SO right! Parker has the smoothest little bottom ever!! I use it with each diaper change and put it everywhere! I now think the saying "as smooth as a babies bottom" is about my son!!
-Poop comes in a wide variety of shades, all of which are apparently normal.
-Your baby is going to have blowouts. Doesnt mean his diaper is too big or too small, its just the way it is. There may be times when cutting the outfit off the baby is the best/easiest way to deal with this situation!! Unless its an outfit that you really love and probably spent too much on. That outfit needs to be soaked and washed a few times!!
-That just because you have a boy does not mean you are not going to have a shopping addiction! You dont have to be able to buy bows to be able to enjoy shopping for your little one!! Boys in my opinion are just as much fun!!!
-I have realized that many of the things I used to worry about really dont matter at all
-You can never have too many batteries. There is a reason that they never let you out of Babies R Us without asking you if you would like to purchase more!!
-Nothing is done quickly anymore. Getting up, ready and out the door now takes an hour or two!
- I knew that I would love Parker with everything in me, but until he was here I never knew what that would be like. It is just amazing the love I feel for him. Nothing I have ever felt before and nothing you will know until you have a child of your own. It can only be described as AMAZING!
-You never compare your baby to other babies. Babies just like adults are all different. Just because they are the same age does not mean they are going to weigh the same, be the same length, in the same percentile, eat the same amount or sleep in the same patterns. I have also found that moms that compare annoy me!!
-Trial and error is not only for science class...its my life now!!
-I am the best singer in the world when in the car with my little man!! He falls right to sleep! (Yes you are correct...I do believe that it's not the movement of driving around, but my voice that puts him into a deep, peaceful sleep)
I am sure I have learned much more, but Park is up and ready to eat!!