Monday, September 26, 2011

Micellaneous Monday!

Just realized I had not blogged in quite awhile.  Not too much exciting going on here.  Just the daily ins and outs of being a mom to a pretty amazing little guy!

-I have been a little under the weather and having some serious tension and knots in my upper back and neck.  Went to the doctor this morning and she has ordered me to physical therapy twice a week until they get my muscles stretched and loosened.  I think I am also in serious need of a massage.  I have not had one since I had Parker...I need to fix that!

-We finally finished our kitchen makeover.  Pics to come.  I am very very happy with how it turned out and so proud that we did most of it ourselves!  I am sure all the tile work didn't help my neck and back!

-Parker is such a busy boy these days.  He is everywhere and FAST!  I cannot turn my head or he is gone.  He has been standing on his own without holding onto anything.  He will stand there for a few minutes and every now and then take a step or two but it still ends with a not so graceful fall!

-With the weather cooling off a little it is nice for all of us to get out and take Park to the park!  He absolutely loves to swing and he enjoyed the slide too!

-I have been craving all things pumpkin.  I am going to attempt a pumpkin ravioli this week, we shall see how that goes!  I may make some pumpkin bread today!

-Parker's one year photos are being taken on October 29th.  I am so excited.  We are doing them a month early bc I really wanted to have some outside, here in PA its too cold to do them any later.  We are also going to be taking our family Christmas pic too.  I have been racking my brain with outfit ideas...any suggestions welcome! 

-Parks bday party planning has been in full effect!  We are doing a sock monkey theme!  I have been having so much fun getting everything together and am so blessed to have my Mom and sister who have been so helpful to me in the planning.  The party will be in TX and I am super excited! 

-With the party planning I have printed off all of Parks monthly birthday photos so I can make a photo banner...I got a little sad seeing how fast he has grown is his 8 months ago!  Look how tiny!!

- Waynes parents are coming in this Thursday and we are so excited to see them and for them to get to spend time with Park. 

Well I am off to get all the items on my to list marked off!!

Hope you all have a great Monday!!


  1. Yay for sock monkey parties! I can't wait to see pictures:)

  2. We have missed your blogs! Sorry to hear about your neck and back trouble, thats no fun at all.Parker looks like he is loving the park and weather there. Hope we can help with Parkers Birthday plans when we are there We can't wait to see yall!
    Mimi & Papa

  3. I have to go to phyiscal therapy for the same thing! Parker is so adorable, cant wait to see pics of his party, we're in full party planning mode too. Keira will be 10 months on the 29th. we are having a bumble bee party for her.

    Sweet N Sassy Girls

  4. I'm so glad you are back.... I've missed your posts and cutie pics of Parker. So sorry you haven't been feeling good- I hope the PT helps!

    - I keep trying to post this comment and it wont let me... so it's Julie :)
